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2012-10-25  来自于:课评集

  (2)有些形容词变为副词, 可在字尾加ly, 也可以不加, 不过在字义上不同。

  (A) easy “安适地”; easily “容易地”:

  Stand easy!

  Hes not easily satisfied.

  (B) clear ( = completely “完全地”; clearly“显然地”;)

  The bullet went clear through the door.

  The thieves got clearly away.

  (C) high “高”; highly “很;非常”;

  The birds are flying high.

  He was highly praised for his work.

  (D) Slow 和 slowly当副词时同义, 但 slow比 slowly语气强。

  I told the driver to go slow(er)。

  Drive slowly round these bends in the road.

  (E) hard “辛苦地”; hardly “几乎不”;

  He works hard. (= He is a hard worker.)

  He hardly does anything nowadays. (= He does very little nowadays.)

  (F) just “刚才;仅”; justly “公正地”;

  Ive just seen him.

  He was justly punished.

  (G) late “迟”; lately (= recently)“最近地”;

  He went to bed late.

  I havent seen Mr. Green lately.

  (H) Pretty (= fairly, moderately)“十分,颇”; prettily (= in a pretty way, attractively)“漂亮地”;

  The situation seems pretty hopeless.

  She was prettily dressed.

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