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2012-10-25  来自于:课评集

  例题1:He will leave immediately. (2005职称英语用书)

  A. far away

  B. right away

  C. right here

  D. soon


  例题2:Can you follow the plot? (2003年职称英语卫生类C级)

  A. change

  B. investigate

  C. understand

  D. write


  请看下面几句中的follow 分别都是什么意思?

  She went into the building, followed by a group of students.

  The teacher says that everybody should follow the rule here.

  Im sorry, but I cant follow you.


  (1)有些字可当形容词又可当副词,例如: early; past; half; long; straight; fast; hard; quick; deep; slow; pretty; awful; wrong; right; high; late; hourly; early; weekly; etc.

  We had an early breakfast. (形容词)

  We went by a fast train. (形容词)

  We had breakfast early. (副词)

  Dont speak so fast.(副词)

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