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职称英语综合类辅导:阅读理解Shrinking Water Supply

2013-1-24  来自于:课评集

  综合类辅导:阅读理解Shrinking Water Supply

  1.题目:According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?

  答案:D)Water now has become more expensive than it was.

  2.题目:Which of the following is NOT the authors purpose of mentioning the oil crises in the 1970s?

  答案:A)To prove that water is as expensive as oil.

  3.题目:Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a factor that is making the water situation in the world more and more severe?

  答案:D)The popularity of swimming pools.

  4.题目:Which of the following is cited by the author as the place where the supply of water is most likely to threaten social stability?


  5.题目:To solve the water supply problem the world today faces, the author suggests at the end of the article doing all the following except

  答案:B)blowing up dams that effect the supply of fresh water.



  1.现在水比以前贵 ____________________

  2.不只水、油一样贵 ____________________

  3.泳池普及没提及 ____________________

  4.非洲供水危社会 ____________________

  5.毁掉水坝不建议 ____________________

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