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2012-12-16  来自于:课评集



  (1)I come from Shanghai.(上海人)

  I have come from Shanghai.(从上海来)

  (2)You read very well.(强调能力)

  Youve read very well.(强调一次刚完成的动作)

  (3) I forget.(一时想不起来了)

  I have forgotten.(仍没想起来,可能已回忆起来了)

  (4) The book is written in simple English.(表状态)

  The book has been written in simple English.(表动态,已用英语写成)

  (5) Every time I see him,hes been reading.(两个动作不可能同时进行).

  Every time l have seen him,hes been reading.(强调两个动作同时进行)

  (6) He is gone.(强调状态)He has gone.(强调动作和时间)

  (7) He wont come till the play begins.(演出开始时)

  He wont come till the play has begun.(戏已开始)

  (8)AfterI leave school,I11 go to college.(两个动作紧密相接)

  After l have left school,Ill go to college.(强调毕业后,两个动作可能有间隔)

  (9) It is a long time since I saw you last.

  Its been a long time since Isaw you last 这两句话一样,后一句是美国英语)

  (10) Where are you?(在哪儿) Where have you been?(去了哪儿)


  (1) He works hard.(强调始终如一) He is working hard.(强调现在)

  (2) What do you do?(干什么工作的) What are you doing?(在干什么)

  (3) Here comes the bus!(表高兴和欣慰) The bus is coming.(汽车到来的情景)

  (4) I forget his name.Im forgetting his name.(差点把他的名字忘了)

  (5) You dont eat much.(强调胃口不大)

  Youre not eating much.(你怎么不吃呀。)

  (6) The match starts at 7 0clock.(比较固定,不宜改变)

  The match is starting at 7 0clock.(可以改变)

  (7) Tom always comes late.Tom is always coming late.(表示不满,责备)

  (8) Tom goes to college now.

  Tom is going to college now.(这两句区别不大,后者更生动)

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