1. 在对“他人”作命令、推荐、建议、劝慰、说服时用虚拟语气形式表达,表示语气的客气或婉转,如:
I would like you to answer this question. (我想请你来回答这个问题。)
这里的would like to (想),就是虚拟语气,相当于want to:
Would you mind my smoking here?(我在这里抽烟你不介意吧?)
It might a good idea to wait and see.(观望或许是个好主意。)
Could you tell me where the post office is?(能告诉我邮局怎么走吗?)
You‘d better bring an umbrella with you; it’s thundering. (你最好带上雨伞;天在打雷。)
I‘d rather stay at home in such bad weather.(这种恶劣天气我宁可呆在家里。)
2. 表达与事实相反或(几乎)不可能实现的事,这可能就是一般人概念中的虚拟语气,如:
If only there had been a doctor at the moment. (当时有个医生就好了。实际情况是当时没有医生)